Join us!
Having many energized people working with the the Walla Walla Democrats during election years and in between is critical to our success. Here are some ways you can help elect Democrats in Walla Walla County and build the Party.
Basic memberships are available to any Democrat who lives in Walla Walla County. No dues required.
But Sustaining Members provide us the financial resources we need to do our great work. Please consider becoming a Sustaining Member of the Walla Walla Democrats at a level that's right for you.
To become a Sustaining or Basic Member, go to the member enrollment form.
If you’re not quite ready to join the Party yet but still want to stay in touch with us, get on our mailing list, and we’ll keep you posted on our iParty meetings and events. Just add your name to the subscriber registration form.
There are many ways to volunteer with the Walla Walla County Democrats. You can write letters to the editor, host a candidate meet-and-greet, put a sign in your yard, and more. Hey, you can even run for office!
Let us know what gets you excited by sharing your volunteer interest form with us.
Click here if you would like to volunteer in our office at 38 East Main Street, Suite 105, Downtown Walla Walla.
Constituent’s Portal
If you receive emails from us, your contact information is stored iin our online database with records of your membership, donations, event registrations, and volunteer projects in which you’ve participated.
Click here if you would like to access to your records through the Constituent’s Portal. If this is your first time, creating your portal account is easy. Just follow the step-by-steps.