Washington State Democratic Convention Coverage 2024

TVW Washington provided gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Washington State Democratic Convention in Bellevue at the Meydenbauer Center on June 21, 22 and 23, 2024.

Unlike the Republican circus in Spokane in April, Washington Democrats came together for a gathering of learning, listening, respect, and responsibility. It was also a convention that deeply values democracy and the rule of law. Stark contrasts with the Washington MAGA GOP.

Session 1: Friday, June 21 Afternoon
Welcome/Reception: Speakers include Shasti Conrad (Chair, WA State Democratic Party), U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen, Pat McCarthy, candidate for State Auditor, Chris Reykdal, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mike Pelliciotti, andidate for State Treasurer, Patty Kuderer, candidate for State Insurance Commissioner, Vandana Slatter, candidate for State Rep (48th District), My-Linh Thai, candidate for State Rep (41st District), Author Deesha Dyer, former Obama Admin Social Secretary, others.

Session 2: Saturday, June 22 Noon
Luncheon discussion with Rachel Bitecofer, American political scientist and strategist.

Session 3: Saturday, June 22 Evening
Gala Dinner: Speakers include Maria Cantwell, Candidate for U.S. Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, candidate for Governor, T’Wina Nobles, candidate for State Senate (28th District), U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost, 10th Congressional District, FL (recorded remarks), others.

Session 4: Sunday, June 23 Morning
General Session: Remarks by Steve Hobbs, candidate for Secretary of State (recorded remarks), DNC Chair Jaime Harrison (recorded remarks), others -- Convention Business (reporting of the Credentials Committee/Rules Committee, election of Chair, presidential electors, Charter/Bylaws Amendments, report of the Platform Committee, resolutions adoption, election of delegates, other business).


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