Other Voices
The voices featured here offer a diverse and dynamic range of perspectives on the issues that matter most to our community. Whether addressing social justice, environmental sustainability, healthcare, or education, you can expect thought-provoking insights and informed opinions from our dedicated contributors who are working tirelessly to create positive change in our county.
Our hope is that these topics will inspire you to engage in meaningful discussions and ultimately empower you to take an active role in shaping the future of our local community.
Uncertain about Climate Change? Ask your Insurance Agent
This evening, I asked our guest, Ann Marie Danimus, about how to persuade a climate skeptic that climate change is real. She said, “Ask a farmer.” She added, “and ask your insurance agent.”
Ag & Rural Caucus.
Police Blotter, Obituaries, and Letters to the Editor
Hyperlocal does it. Colleen Smith (The Islands’ Sounder) and Michelle Nedved (The Miner) explained what it takes to make a local newspaper a success. Hyperlocal means not just the police blotter and obituaries. It means the relationships behind them.
Ag & Rural Caucus.