News & Views
Stay informed with the latest news and views from your local Walla Walla County Democrats. This is where you can learn about recent developments, events, and initiatives that shape our local Democratic Party and our shared vision for a brighter future.
Frances Chvatal Elected as Acting Chair
On May 23, the Executive Board elected Frances Chvatal, Second Vice Chair, to serve as the party’s Acting Chair. Frances brings a long history of exemplary service to the Walla Walla Democrats to this new position of responsibility.
Bad, Bad, Bad Initiatives
Jim Walsh, chair of the Washington State Republican Central Committee, is a sponsor of three initiatives designed to deliver a big payday to Washington’s ultra-rich.
Carmela Conroy Returns to the Walla Walla Democrats
This Tuesday, May 14, Carmela presented to a packed house of PCOs, party members, and friends at the Walla Walla County Democratic Central Committee. A video of her presentation is here.
40 Democratic PCOs elected. Primary election will decide two contests.
An unprecedented number of Democrats filed to be Precinct Committee Officers during filing week that ended Friday afternoon, May 10. Democrats will fill PCO roles in 42 precincts.
Monday, Monday . . .
The Walla Walla Democrats New Office was celebrated with two events on back-to-back Mondays.
Governor Inslee Signs the new Rural Library Bill
On March 26, Gov. Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5824 into law. This law redefines the rules of dissolving Rural Library Districts. Eilse Severe, chair of Neighbors United for Progress, attended the ceremony.
Jeffrey Robinson: 39 Under 39
The Walla Union-Bulletin announced its selection of 39 community members “who are age 39 or younger and who work to support our community through leadership in business, health care, arts and culture, education, public service, nonprofits, and advocacy.”
Demo Day at the Die Brucke
The dust is flying at the Walla Walla Democrats new downtown office.
Ann Marie Danimus speaks with Walla Walla Democrats
Walla Walla County Democrats welcome Ann Marie Danimus of Spokane at its Central Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. She will meet with us at 6:30 pm either in person or via Zoom.
Ann Marie is a Democratic candidate for Washington State’s Fifth Congressional District seat.
President Biden Rocks the House (and Senate) with his State of the Union Address
President Biden, delivering the State of the Union address, speaks directly to the American people about our nation's historic progress, the challenges we face, and his unwavering optimism for the future. Join us in this moment of unity and hope as we come together to shape a brighter tomorrow.
Bernie Bank Visits the Walla Walla Democrats
Walla Walla County Democrats welcomed Dr. Bernadine Bank of Spokane at its Central Committee meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
Dr. Bank is an accomplished obstetrics and gynecology specialist in Spokane. She has over 36 years of experience in the medical field. Her friends call her “Bernie.”
Senate Unanimously Passes SB 5824
After agreeing to a Republican-suggested amendment, Senate Bill 5824, which involves lowering the number of signatures required on a petition to dissolve a library district, was passed yesterday with a 49-0 vote. The bill now moves to the House for consideration.
The amendment modifies the initial requirement in the bill from needing 35 percent of registered voters to 25 percent to put an initiative on the ballot. Current law requires only 10 percent.
New Law Proposed for Rural Libraries
Washington State Senate Bill 5824 passed out of the Senate Committee on State Government and Elections to the Senate Ways and Means Committee on January 12, 2024. This is a positive first step for a bill that will revise the statutes on the dissolution of Rural Library Districts that was found unconstitutional by the Columbia County Superior Court in Dayton last September.
Lessons Learned from Election Successes
The Walla Walla County Democratic Central Committee convened on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Walla Walla School District board room at 364 S Park Street.
The program included a discussion of lessons learned from the successful campaigns of Amy Schwab for the Walla Walla Port Commission, Jeff Robinson for the Walla Walla City Council, and Alayna Brinton for the Walla Walla School Board.
A Christmas Message from 55 Years Ago
The year 2023 has been one of many challenges and some successes. So, too, was 1968.
Fifty-five years ago, the Vietnam War was in full swing, as was increasing opposition to it. The Tet Offensive was a profound shock. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. Rioting occurred in Washington, DC. The passage of the 1968 Civil Rights Act was a rare victory. Richard Nixon’s election as president was not. The nation was deeply divided over Vietnam, race, and values.
Likely Changes in Legislative District 16
On August 10, 2023, a federal judge struck down Washington State’s legislative map for violating Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA).
Legislative District 15 (mainly Yakima County) was the focus of this ruling, but all of the surrounding districts must be changed due to the concentration of our region’s Latino population. This ruling will require changing LDs 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 to create a majority Latino “opportunity district.”
Spokane’s Carmela Conroy discusses Blue wins in a Red county
Carmela Conroy, chair of the Spokane County Democratic Central Committee, will present the program at the Central Committee’s December meeting.
Carmela is a former Spokane County deputy prosecutor and a long-serving United States Foreign Service diplomat. She has been the chair of the Spokane Democrats since 2022 and has led the local party's resurgence.
Where Have All the Democrats Gone?
John B. Judis is a co-author of “Where Have All the Democrats Gone? The Soul of the Party in the Age of Extremes”, a new book released on November 7. John is an accomplished and prolific political author with a distinguished career, as detailed below. See the video of his presentation to the Central Committee here.